Video Analyzation: Rick Santorum

The Iowa caucus votes have come in, and by an 8 vote margin, Rick Santorum has emerged from the proverbial ashes and almost comes away with the win. It's seems the last "not Mitt Romney" candidate has gotten their chance to shine. Unfortunately though, Rick Santorum isn't the diamond in the rough. He is just as crazy as the other "not Mitt Romney" candidates who have had a recent poll surge. The scariest part about the former Senator from Pennsylvania's surge is that it happened right before the actual caucus. His timing couldn't be any better, but his talking points could be.

At meet an greet in Iowa, Senator Santorum was talking to potential voters about how the state of Iowa could get fined if it didn't sign up more people on medicare. (This doesn't even sound legal. I think what he is saying, with a political spin, is that if Iowa doesn't have a certain amount of people on medicare, they will not receive any extra federal funds. That isn't a fine, that's accounting!) In his rant, he inadvertently uses black people as the brunt of his solution.

Look at the video here:

And here is his explanation:

For those who do not pay attention to politics, or conservatives, or quite frankly Rick Santorum, let me add some insult to injury by other things that he says. Starting with how he doesn't use the term "Black people".

These are just some of the video's that deal with black people. I could make a whole movie off of the things he says about gay community.

To conclude, I want to leave you with a few points to carry with you as you watch the campaigns or weigh opinions and facts as you draw your own conclusions about things. As a young black man who grew up in one of those (mostly white) blue collar, hard working, American cities in a working class suburb of Cleveland, OH, I know what covert racism looks like. I am by no means an expert, but comments and intellectually inept stereotypes just as these have been a strong part of my childhood.

Whenever you show those type of people the statistics about the percentage of different racial groups on government assistance, there is always a half witted justification of why that is. But there is not half witted justification of why that is. White people, most notably women, are biggest chunk out of the government assistance pie. There is no way that you can deny that. Though to be fair, out of how many black people there are, there is a higher percentage of them on government assistance than white, but that still does not compare to the sheer population difference between the groups.

What I feel this boils down to, especially considering his rise in the polls, Rick Santorum is trying to do and say anything to keep him on top. What else these video's and his history indicates is that even if he isn't outwardly racist, he is abhorrently ignorant, which is almost worst.

What him and other people who think this way need to understand is that all races and cultures have wonderful and distinct histories, from their wonderful and distinct people. Unfortunately, when it comes to Blacks and Native Americans, in order for the history of this country to not be considered more insidiously violent and hateful than anything Adolf Hitler could ever achieve, our race and culture has to be un-humanized and destroyed in order to show the superiority and kindness of the "white man" that was America until millions of people of different cultures and races stood together to fight for OUR rights. Even to this day we are still fighting discrimination in some way shape or form (Like, I dunno, the president having to prove that he was born in America!).

It should be no surprise that last summer Rick Santorum along with a slew of other GOP presidential candidates signed an anti-gay marriage pledge that incorrectly stated that black families had a higher percentage of a 2 parent household during slavery than they do under the first African-American president. If that were true, the only reason it would be is because the American people keep voting for ignorant, bigoted, hateful, and embarrassingly unintelligent WHITE MEN and their policies. And the reason why that is, is because there are a lot of people who are ignorant, bigoted, hateful, and embarrasingly unintelligent!

I don't want to turn this into a black/white thing. I just don't want this man to be anywhere near the White House and I definitely don't want to pay this man's salary for even half a day. The race for the GOP presidential nominee I hope should be an eye-opening one for the country. I know that there are going to be many people who will never change their minds. Here at The Pennymon Doctrine, I will do my best change those that I can.
